For this week, our main focus is to get the lighting in. I started off my week by blocking in the lighting on the grey blockout.
I try to create contrast by playing with the temperature of each light in the scene. Though, it's quite hard to visualise at this point so I decided to proceed to get in some more fine details like vents, pipe, and other minor details on the walls.
Then, I set dress the scene with these new assets, and added in some shaders to see how they interact with the lighting.
These are still work in progress. For next week I am planning to add in even more higher frequencies details both on the texture and the geometries.
I worked on the garage lighting on a different level to be able to have Vivi work simultaneously with me on the other parts of the environment, so when I migrate all of the assets and lighting in the actual scene, there were a lot of issues with the outdoor skylight and other aspects but they have all been resolved.
These two are really great examples for very realistic sci fi renders which is the sort of visual fidelity that I would like to achieve.